
November 11, 2023 - Veterans Day Thoughts

It's Veteran's Day, and I'm thinking of one my old songs “Hell Town” written about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in veterans. This past year, the issue hit close to home when we lost a family member to PTSD. 

Battle certainly…

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July 21, 2023 - Reflections From My "Totaled" Car

I live in a society where appearance “matters”. I’ve struggled with this since embarking on my musical journey almost two decades ago. I always wanted my “image” to be about my music - not about how I look or the…

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November 13, 2020 - Good Day to Be Alive

Years ago when I moved to Tucson, I walked my dogs at sunrise. Some mornings, I’d cross paths with an elderly gentleman wearing a Korea Veteran cap, a cane in one hand and his dog’s leash in the other. One…

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Good Day to Be Alive

 November 13, 2020


Years ago when I moved to Tucson, I walked my dogs at sunrise. Some mornings, I’d cross paths with an elderly gentleman wearing a Korea Veteran cap, a cane in one hand and his dog’s leash in…

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"Communion" - Reflections on the evening of 6/1/2020

A cloud hovers over my city. Heaven touching earth,
displaying the beauty of dark and light, soft hues of hope in between.
The people gathered in my town tonight, peacefully, respectfully.
A sense of communion, communal grieving, empowerment.
Wanting a…

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Light to the World

December 24, 2019

It was winter solstice, the longest night of 2010. I felt that familiar energy palpable in my veins, like an intense vibration, of a song wanting to emerge.  

   The story.  
      The archetype of every human...being completely…

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Middle-of-the-Night Words and Melodies

Oftentimes, lyrics and melodies awaken me in the middle of the night, and then play over and over in my mind until I let them out. This past week, a distinct vocal riff of C-D-E-E with the words "May I…

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A New Story

I remember when I worked as a young nurse in Alaska. My brilliant colleague had recently arrived to work with us. She grew up in India. One evening, we were walking on the tundra (probably berry picking, but I don’t…


Light Remains

Slowly...over space and time,     the details of the darkness begin to fade,    and the trauma ebbs a bit further
   into the archives of the heart.

Yet the Light remains...

Strong, subtle, soft, silent --
Growing and expanding into infinity,
Waxing…Read more

Orchestra of Pigeons

During my sunset walk, I passed a group of pigeons, who suddenly lifted off the ground upon my approach. They were in perfect orchestration on lift-off, and the rush of wind under their wings bathed my senses. Circling above, they…Read more


  As an independent artist, YOU are my record label. THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has sponsored songs and pre-ordered. AND THANKS TO ALL OF YOU who follow my music, come to shows, and invest in my recordings. Because… Read more

Soldier Song

Years ago, I wrote "Soldier Song" in honor of my loved ones coming home from war. This "war" continues today. Since it is Veterans Day, I wanted to share this song.

In gratitude for your bravery and service...and in love… Read more