"Word from amber" archive

February 16, 2024

Greetings from the wintery Sonoran Desert. We were recently graced with snow-peaked mountains and temps dipping into the 30’s. Winter lasts about a week here, so I’m cherishing every moment.

It was a wild start to 2024 for me…however, I’m back in full swing. I’ve got new releases on the horizon and am busy with an abundance of (mostly private) performances (six this week!).  

I’ve been writing and look forward to more studio and creation time this year, as well as live (public) performances featuring my original music. 

I hope you’ve had a great start to 2024. And if it hasn’t been so great, then I hope you are getting through in grace…and that amidst it all, you remember to breathe, taking a moment to cherish that sacred breath. Life has a way with pushing us to (and often beyond) our perceived limitations. It's part of the incarnation, and this too shall pass.

Thank you for continuing on the musical journey with me. It is an honor to move through the seasons of life with you. 

Much love and gratitude,


PS - If you need an extra infusion of love, here's a casually recorded/videoed live performance of my song “Came Here to Love” by my band 

November 2, 2023 


The temps have dropped in my corner of the world, and it finally feels like autumn in the Sonoran Desert. I welcome the season of long sleeves, simmering tea and candles.

It’s strange that as our hemisphere cools and nature slows down for winter, we seem to ramp up the energy into the “holiday” season. Fall has been a VERY busy season for me. I’ve been performing 5-8 times per week (mostly private gigs), working on studio projects and directing two church music programs. I love it all and am grateful that every day I get to do THIS for a living.  

A lot of heavy things are going on in the world. To me, the longer nights right now seem to reflect humanity’s dark night of the soul. Life is bigger than soundbytes, and much more complex than the social media threads we weave. All I know is that I will continue to offer my heart and song; be mindful of my thoughts, words and actions; be grateful for every moment that I'm here; and do what I can to be and reflect light in the dark.

May we be led to a new dawn where ALL humanity - regardless of religion, ethnicity, race, skin color, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, social status – are respected and valued as part of the sacred web of life; and where this planet that sustains our very being is revered and mindfully lived upon by our species.

With love and light,


July 21, 2023 

Wow, somehow the “slow days” of summer in the Sonoran Desert got busy…lots of calls for private events. I’m grateful for the indoor musical work during these 111 degree days. 

I head up to Iowa next week to visit the land of my roots. I’m excited to see my loved ones, share music and then return back to southern AZ for public performances in August.   

Amidst the rehearsing and gigging, I’m carving out writing time and am determined to release new songs before the close of the year. I feel the creative fire within and am so grateful to have the privilege to do what I love every day. 

Lately, I have to dig deep for good news. Making music keeps me moving and takes me to a higher place. It fills my soul to witness music’s impact on those whom the vibration touches…the infusion of joy and life via rhythm, melody and lyrics. 

Our vibes matter. May we be good stewards of each other, our planet and beyond. 

With love, light and gratitude, 


(Always a good sign when the old dog doesn't get up and leave the office during writing day ;) 

May 18, 2023

Spring has been glorious in our corner of the Sonoran Desert – abundant flowers and new life. We’ve had baby doves and quails hatch in our yard, lots of lizards and I am serenaded daily with the sound of bees working on the blooming cacti and trees. 

I just wrapped up my southern Arizona “peak season”– lots of private performances and some shows. I am honored to be part of the soundscape of people’s lives – the weddings, the celebratory parties, the memorials, the fundraisers, and my own shows. Thank you for supporting my music and asking me to be part of your events, attending my shows and listening to my recordings. I am so deeply grateful and in awe that I get to do this for a living every day.  

I’m taking the next couple months to focus on my business and songwriting. I look forward to emerging later this summer with shows and new material. 

Thank you for visiting my website and reading my thoughts. 

Much love and light to you, 


March 17, 2023 

Happy St. Paddy’s Day! This day holds a special place in my heart. Some of my favorite saints were born on March 17th, including my grandmother whom inspired my “Long Way Home” song. She was a big influence in my life and supported my musical dreams from the beginning. You can read more about my final moments with her and the inspiration behind that song in this poignant article written by Jan Henrikson

The year is flying by for me. I’ve been busy with performing at private events, holding down the business and making time to write. I’m excited about the new songs that are emerging and look forward to sharing them with you soon. 

Thank you for visiting my website. Wishing you an wonder-filled spring season! 


December 21, 2022 

Ah…winter solstice! I smile remembering my years in Alaska and how this day welcomed the return of light. Now living in the Sonoran Desert, the seasonal change of light does not feel as drastic. I appreciate the balance between dark and light here - the extra hours of night grant me the stillness and space to let the creativity flow in. It’s a sacred time. 

May your holiday season be filled with peace, light and love. As we close the chapter of 2022 and emerge into a new day, may we be inspired, know our connectedness and live each day with reverence for life. 

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey. 


October 1, 2022

Happy autumn out there! As the “earth spins around, leaves fall down, and winter readies the ground” (lyrics from my “Wide Open” song), I welcome the season of slowing down and letting go. During October, I feel like the veil between light and dark is thin. It’s an ideal time to bring my inner creative musings into soundwave and form. Lyrics, melodies, and chords stir around inside me. Eventually, they get sorted, changed, taken apart, woven together and made into something…usually not what I expected when I began the journey. Somehow in the illusionary “end”, it all works out…in its mystical and messy way.  

May you find peace, comfort and inspiration in life’s season of letting go and slowing down.  

With love, 

June 17, 2022 

A light desert shower graced my walk tonight. There is nothing like a jaunt in the rain to reinvigorate my soul. I love taking in the Sonoran Desert air filled with earthly scents of damp creosote and mesquite. It’s like an offering of gratitude to Mother Nature for the much needed moisture, and I get to pass through the sacred exchange. 

Nature feeds my soul and kindles my creativity. I’m sticking close to my desert home this summer to write. It’s time for new songs to emerge. These days in a world of noise and distraction, I have to deliberately carve out time to dwell in silence and stillness…it’s my songwriting tonic. 

I look forward to seeing you on the road soon. And in the meantime, thank you for communing with me via satellites and soundwaves. 

Wishing you the perfect balance of stillness and motion to feed your soul. 
